Heart Centered Therapy Testimonials
"It is my deepest honor to write a few words about the absolute life-changing sessions I have had with Diane Curriden.
Whether it is Heart Centered Therapy, Energy Therapy or Eye Yoga class, Diane conducts herself with a perfect balance of professionalism and deep care and concern for me, my comfort and my healing. She is very generous with her delightful spirit. I always feel safe, calm, and confident in her and the work that is being done. I have experienced significant shifts after each of our sessions together.
It is with full, enthusiastic support that I highly recommend you experience Diane’s healing guidance." C. R. P.
"Our sessions were the most intense inner journey I have ever had with another person. It was like going down several levels or layers and taking a look. What was so healing about the process, was the inner cleansing. The understanding of things like I had not ever understood or seen before. And then, the acceptance and embracing of my life wounds and the softening of my entire body/mind/heart and soul. Diane's loving way, was what held me up and gave the courage to look at the things that scare me. I felt no judgment or condemnation for my expressions. I felt more loving and forgiving toward myself, and open. Thank you Diane. You are truly a loving person who walks side by side with others to help them find the love inside to heal.” B. W.
“I suffer from Graves disease, and had been having considerable pain in my eyes, as well as some problems with vision. Diane worked with me for two hours, and by the end of the session, the pain was gone. Diane, herself, is an absolutely authentic and remarkably kind and compassionate person, with an integral understanding of the human condition. Heart Centered Therapy is a powerful healing modality, and I would recommend it to anybody.” Vicki E.
"Diane Curriden is a “healer.” She is nurturing, compassionate, and extremely knowledgeable. Through her work with me as a heart centered therapist, she has helped me to deal with early childhood trauma that haunted me for my entire life. With Diane’s help, I have revisited these painful memories and she has helped me to find a resolution in my mind to where these horrible memories no longer cause me to cry and my heart no longer aches and I am now able to go forward with my life.
As an owner of a medical wellness center, I see patients who are not able to get well or who are not able to achieve their health and wellness goals because they are holding on to painful memories and trauma that they may not even be aware of which can lead to further illness and disease. Because of my own personal experience with Diane’s nurturing healing touch, I highly recommend heart centered therapy to anyone who wishes to come into good health and happiness." Kelly S.
"I was truly blessed to have an incredible session with Diane. She helped me connect to my power, courage, and confidence. The session inspired me to follow my heart which has resulted in me creating my dream life. I would recommend Diane because she is an amazingly gifted healer." KP
“Heart Centered Therapy with Diane Curriden was nothing short of amazing. She created a warm, safe environment. Through thoughtful, caring, thought provoking questions she was able to enlighten me to a three generational pattern of coping techniques. Now that I am aware, I know I can change and break this pattern. Try a visit with Diane. I know you will be amazed with what you learn about yourself.” L.A.M.
Several years ago, I had a session of Heart Centered Therapy with Diane Curriden. During the session, I was able to resolve a huge emotional issue as she, literally, guided me to a new path. Diane helped me, through the calmness and relaxation of this guided technique, to free myself from an agonizing, consuming worry, which had led to a numbness and depression. I can say that the session with Diane changed my life. T.B.
Working with Diane has been magical for me; I am eternally grateful. My first session she helped me let go of my fears of publishing my first book. I have know published my second book and I am working on a children's book series. I struggled with sharing my message but after just one session I was able to heal years of self doubt. I have become a best-selling author and online radio host. Diane helped me heal issues I had with my father through the process of heart-centered therapy. The experience was so vivid and I am finally capable of forgiving myself and others. I live with such gratitude and I feel Diane helped me in ways I can't even put into words. She is a wonderful healer and very gifted therapist.
Karen Palmer
“No disease process is beyond the reach of guided imagery and visualization therapy, and it is best to work with a trained professional to ensure you are using them correctly. These therapies can enhance the effectiveness of other treatments, including allopathic drugs and surgery. Certainly try them for all autoimmune disorders and for any illness in which healing seems blocked or stalled.”
Andrew Weil, M.D. From his #1 New York Times Bestseller, "Spontaneous Healing"